Food tech for consumers

The question “what shall I (we) eat today?” is increasingly asked online, leading to mealplan inspiration, and solutions for shopping list creation.

It is often the beginning of a customer journey, highly diverse according to the social situation of the consumer (single vs household, distance to retail outlet, …), his/her lifestyles (veggie, vegan, …) and perhaps medical condition (allergy, intolerance, diet, …)

SmartWithFood developed services that seamlessly integrate into your environment, and that help your consumer along the whole journey, adding information, personalisation and analysis.

This is an example of a specific Customer Journey and how our services interact in every step of the decision process:

Meet James, he’s wondering what to eat

James has an allergy for dairy and prefers to eat vegan

James is looking for a recipe that contains a certain ingredient

Like many people, James’ quest for inspiration starts by selecting an ingredient that he wants to use in his meal. SmartWithFood’s API “ProductToRecipe” enables him to look for recipes based upon an ingredient, a barcode of a product, or possibly an AI-processed photo of a vegetable.

He looks up & finds a recipe that he likes

Selecting the recipe he wants to prepare amongst the list of propositions is facilitated by SmartWithFood’s scoring engine, adding relevant labels to every recipe with extra information: nutritional value (Nutri-Score), ecological footprint (Eco-score), lifestyles (Veggie, Vegan, …) or allergens.

James adds the recipe to his basket

Converting ingredient lines into your products, in the right quantities with minimal waste, has never been easier using the recipe-to-basket widget of SmartWithFood. Without ever defining a hard link between an ingredient and a product, you manage the whole process using SmartWithFood’s NLP engine coupled with its food expertise.

The products are matched with James’ food intolerances

Taking into account the personalised food experience James is expecting, you want to offer alternatives to the default choices when converting recipies into products. Using SmartWithFood’s Smart Alternatives Engine enables you to implement this feature seamlessly.

Product and brand boosting: using search results as a media channel

SmartWithFood’s engine allows replacing products with relevant alternatives that have been promoted by your supplier, or for which you want to offer promotional attention. It converts your recipe-to-basket or search process into a powerful media solution.

James looks for other products as well

Looking for food products, James enters search items in his own words. SmartWithFood’s search engine is designed to provide top accuracy and exhaustiveness, solving the sometimes very complex search questions to yield maximum turnover.

He concludes his basket and checks out

Scores can be used to analyse receipts or shopping history, providing James with additional info and tips, enhancing the customer experience. SmartWithFood’s scoring engine can calculate a multitude of automatic and bespoke labels.